Engine Treatments

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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products

For Petrol, Diesel and LPG engines. Use one 250ml can for each litre of engine capacity or 10% RESTORE by volume to engine oil. This size can is suitable for up to 1.4 litres of engine size.

400ml Ametech RESTORE Oil Engine Restorer & Lubricant for Petrol, Diesel and LPG engines. Use one 400ml can for each 1.6 litres of engine capacity or 10% RESTORE by volume to engine oil. This size can is suitable for 1.5 to 2 litres of engine size.

For Petrol, Diesel and LPG engines. Use one 1 litre can for 4 litres of engine capacity or 10% RESTORE by volume to engine oil. This quantity of Engine Restorer will treat 4-5 litres of engine capacity.

Ametech Metal-Tec 10™ Anti-Friction Engine Treatment polishes, seals and protects metal surfaces in your engine to: reduce friction, heat and wear; enhance performance, power and fuel economy; reduce oil consumption. Add 50ml to each litre of oil or lube. Available in two sizes - 250ml and 500ml.

Add to old engine oil before an oil change and run the engine for 10-15 minutes to free the engine sump and oil-ways of harmful sludge, varnishes and gums and free up sticking rings and tappets. Keeps new oil clean for longer. Add one 250ml bottle to 3 to 6 litres of oil in the sump before oil change.

Stop Leak Anti-Leak Oil Additive - OIL ANTI-LEAK - swells and rejuvenates neoprene rubber seals and O rings to slow down, stop and prevent oil leaks in engines, manual gear boxes and power steering. Oil Anti-Leak is very useful as a cure for blue smoke on cold start caused by hardened and shrunken engine valve stem seals.

Ametech RESTORE Super Lubricant & Friction Reducer – excellent anti-friction and anti-wear protection for newer engines. Frees up sticky hydraulic lifters, valve stems and piston rings and quietens noisy tappets and valve train noise.

Oil Treatment + Viscosity Improver – improves the boundary film strength of engine oil and strengthens resistance to viscosity loss at high temperatures, reducing oil consumption and engine wear in new and old vehicles.