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About Us
Established in 2007
We offer a range of unique and innovative liquid chemical restorers and improvers, engine treatments and oil additives originally formulated in the USA to protect and enhance the life and performance of vital components under the bonnet of your motor.
Ametech products are specifically formulated to be easily applied and to provide cost-effective solutions to the ordinary motorist for tricky problems.
All Ametech automotive products have restorative properties - formulated to recover efficiency and function which have become lost or impaired as a result of friction, wear, degradation, natural deterioration and build up of contaminants over time.

RESTORE - Engine Restorer & Lubricant
RESTORE Engine Restorer & Lubricant, known in the UK as Ametech Engine Restore Oil, is the original Engine Restorer in a can. Developed and released onto the market in the USA in 1983 and still the best engine treatment we have ever tried.
Its ability to cure blue exhaust smoke, quieten noisy engines, reduce oil burning and restore engine performance and power, whilst promoting better fuel economy and prolonging engine life, means the returns you make on the investment of a can of RESTORE Engine Restorer can be enormous - saving the cost of a new engine in some cases.

We have kept 75,000 engines running saving millions in conventional mechanical repairs. Restore it for under £50 with no downtime